Mobile-First Design: Why It’s Crucial for Websites in Johor Bahru
#johor bahru #mobile web design #web design
- Imagint Team
- 16 Oct 2023
- 5 min read
Mobile-First Design is a concept that prioritizes the mobile user experience when creating and optimizing a website. Instead of designing primarily for desktops and then adapting for mobile devices, the focus is inverted.
Why You Need Website In Malaysia?
#mobbileapplication #webdesign
- Imagint Team
- 14 Jan 2022
- 12 min read
Before discussing why websites are important in Malaysia, let’s look at some statistics regarding the internet world. According to the statistics, only 37.8% of businesses have a web presence in 2017 and only about one in three businesses in Malaysia have implemented digital transformation strategies. However, there were 27.43 millions Malaysians who are internet users, which constitutes a large part of the total population. These results have proved that people are more willing or even prefer to stay online instead of hanging out. If you have a website, not only you can sell your products or services remotely, but also will enhance your business presence and be able to incorporate marketing strategies flexibly. Different types of websites have their own pros and objectives. Set up a website that meets your intentions and take advantage and opportunities of modern digitalisation. Below, we have classified the importance for
Why Your Website Isn’t Generating Leads
#mobbileapplication #webdesign
- Imagint Team
- 06 Dec 2021
- 9 min read
If you have already owned a website, you may be wondering why it is not generating leads. I’m sure you must be frustrated for not seeing the results you want. Actually, many businesses, regardless of their size, faced the same problem as you. Many people use their website as a platform to showcase their products and services. Unfortunately, this idea is wrong. Your website is a powerful tool that has the potential to generate a great number of leads for your business. Simply put, if you make good use of your website, it can be the best salesperson for your business as it is always there to serve your potential customers. Before unlocking this potential, you have to know that the quality, design, ease of use, and other key criteria of a website affect its impact on generating sales. Many businesses do have some shortcomings on their website, whether their sites are too slow to load or full of interruptions and broken links. All these issues will create a bad user experience and will eventually drive the potential customers away. Well, don’t worry, this problem can be resolved easily. Here are the five reasons why your website is not generating leads. If your website is struggling to get leads, take a look at this post. It’s not too late to fix your website now and make it the best arm of your business.
How Much Does It Cost To Make A Website in Malaysia (2024) ?
#mobbileapplication #webdesign
- Imagint Team
- 16 Sep 2021
- 8 min read
veryone knows the importance of having a website and how it can help business growth, but only few know the specific process of creating a website and the decision needed to make. Have you ever been curious about the actual costs of creating a website in Malaysia? Basically, it costs around RM1,000-RM200,000 to make a website in Malaysia. Apart from this, you might need to pay for the hosting and SEO fees every month if you wish to have those functions for your website, which costs you between RM100-RM500 per month.
Top 8 Websites in Johor, Malaysia 2024
#mobbileapplication #webdesign
- Imagint Team
- 28 Jul 2021
- 6 min read
A website can not only serve as a tool to provide information, but also to build reputation and image. With the popularization of the Internet and the development of technology, more and more individuals, social clubs or companies have established their own websites. Owning a website can benefit your company in many ways, including improving brand distinctiveness, visibility, reliability and customers preferences. There are many things needed to consider when developing a new website. However, the design of a website is the most important part and is what that needs to put in most thoughts and considerations. Take in mind that merely having an appealing layout is not enough for a good website. A good website also needs to combine functionality, usability, accessibility and interactivity. Hence, think wisely how to make the best design for your website to stand out and attract the attention of visitors while also highlighting your products or services at the same time.
10 Best Web Design Trends in 2024
#mobbileapplication #webdesign
- Imagint Team
- 22 Jul 2021
- 8 min read
The web design trend is changing all over the time and web designers are trying to catch up the trend. The design for a website has to be upgraded oftenly to better meet the needs of users and in line with the aesthetic. For any reason, the ultimate goal for web design is to enhance the user’s experience by providing new yet easy to use functions within the webpage. However, most of the recent design trends rely heavily on high tech skills and advanced technology. Among the trending web design styles listed below, some of them are new for users while some are introduced in the past and gaining popularity again.
Top 7 Website Designs in Malaysia 2024
#mobbileapplication #webdesign
- Imagint Team
- 19 Jul 2021
- 6 min read
Having a website is no longer enough to compete with others in today’s world as everyone has started doing their business online. There are numerous ways to define whether a website is good, it can be based on the number of visits, web design, security or usability. The objective of having a website is to engage the users, provide information about the company and be more efficient. Always keep in mind that web designs are always fluid and change rapidly. Thereby, it is vital to keep your website design on trend and improve functionality if needed.